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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Important Meetings For Monday May 3rd!

Monday May 3rd, 2010:

BOA - Committee on Parks and Open Space
Alderman Rebekah Gewirtz, Chairman of the Committee on Parks and Open Space, has requested that the committee meet, as follows:
6:00 PM
Location: City Hall - 93 Highland Avenue - 2nd Floor Committee Room

Agenda Items:
•189121 - That the Director of OSPCD recommend ways the city can reduce the percentage of paved surfaces
•189255 – Requesting that the Administration launch a voluntary composting program, to save on our trash contract and allow residents to bring their composted materials to the DPW
•189256 – Requesting the formation of a task force called the "Green Community and Open Space Initiative" to increase open and green space, reduce storm water runoff, provide incentives for improvements to private property and reduce our community’s impact on the environment
•Any and All business

BOA - Committee on Housing and Community Development
Alderman Rebekah Gewirtz, Chairman of the Committee on Housing and Community Development, has requested that the committee meet, as follows:
7:00 PM
Location: City Hall - 93 Highland Avenue - 2nd Floor Committee Room

Agenda Items:
•188866 – That the Director of OSPCD appear before the Committee on Housing and Housing & Community Development to discuss the state of Community business in Somerville and ways to gather input from Development businesses on the impact of the recession and how to improve the business climate
•189106 - That the Director of OSPCD meet with Magoun Sq. businesses and the Ward 5 Alderman to develop a plan to stimulate business in anticipation of the Green Line arrival
•189126 - That the Director of OSPCD provide a list of expiring use affordable housing and their expiration dates for review
•189129 - That the City Solicitor inform the BOA whether it may create a trust fund (similar to the Affordable Housing Trust Fund) to require big box stores to contribute to a fund to support small and independent businesses
•Any and all business

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