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Monday, August 9, 2010

Do You Twitter?

One of the first accounts I created after putting Ward 5 Online on the World Wide Web, was on Twitter, using the handle @Ward5Online. After 10 months and 1092 tweets, I find twitter to be my most accessed avenue of the latest happenings city wide.

If you have no idea what Twitter is, learn more about it!

Here is a list of the Somerville handles I follow, just to name a few:
Somerville Public Schools: @SvilleSchools
Somerville Public Library: @SomervillePL
Somerville Local First: @SVillelocal1st
Boston.Com/Somerville: @SomervilleInfo
Olde Magoun’s Saloon: @magounssaloon
Somerville Journal: @VilleJournal

Of course, there are plenty of other Somerville people and businesses on there that I follow, however, you can check out my Twitter profile to see all of them.

Here is a list of Somerville people/City Departments that I would like to see join Twitter:
Somerville ResiStat
Office of Strategic Planning and Community Development
Alderman Sean O’Donovan
Mayor Joe Curtatone
Traffic and Parking
Somerville Parking Advocacy and Reform Coalition
Office of Communications
Somerville Community Corporation

1 comment:

Joe Allen-Black said...

Thanks for mentioning, @SomervilleInfo! You rock.