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Monday, August 9, 2010

Ward 5: Through The Eyes Of ResiStat

Every now and then, I like to look at the information that the city has regarding Ward 5. One link I have been meaning to provide is to the page dedicated to 5 through ResiStat. This pages provides previous slide shows on the Ward, as well as other interesting information. I won't go into it all here, so check it out when you have a chance!

Also, they have a blog and an archive of ResiStat mailings dating back to July of 2009. Having this archive is a great way for residents to catch up on what ResiStat has done, is doing, and how far the program has come.

1 comment:

ResiStat said...

Thank you for pointing out some of the ResiStat services to your readers. We are always looking for ways to improve our services to residents, and your blog has been a real inspiration. I'm always impressed with the ammount and quality of information you post. Keep up the good work!