Created in 2009
Since the crushed foundation remains will be stored on-site for the long term, what is KSS's plan for controlling fugitive dust?This concerns me - these piles will be exposed to the elements, notably wind. Since we can get dry and windy periods in the fall, winter, and spring, fugitive dust will be a concern that could affect all sides of the site.
Being an abutter to this abomination, I'm going to sleep better at night knowing that KSS/GFC is concerned with disturbing me while they grind up 5.5 acres worth of concrete.
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Since the crushed foundation remains will be stored on-site for the long term, what is KSS's plan for controlling fugitive dust?
This concerns me - these piles will be exposed to the elements, notably wind. Since we can get dry and windy periods in the fall, winter, and spring, fugitive dust will be a concern that could affect all sides of the site.
Being an abutter to this abomination, I'm going to sleep better at night knowing that KSS/GFC is concerned with disturbing me while they grind up 5.5 acres worth of concrete.
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