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Monday, September 13, 2010

KSS Responds To "Subdividing And Selling" Rumors Surrounding Max Pak

Months of rumors surrounding the possible subdivision and selling of parcels at the Max Pak site have been responded to by KSS Realty's Ted Tobin. Acknowlding the rumors, Ted said there is a possibility that they could sell them individually, but it was unlikely as KSS would make very little to no profit if they went that route. Ted went on to say, "Our intent is NOT to sell off individual parcels. We may drop the parcels into separate LLCs for financing purposes; that is being worked out. We intend to be a part of this project and will bring in equity partners. We look forward to its success."

What is already known, is that the portion featuring 15 townhomes has been sold to GFC Development, Inc and, once all logistics are in place, construction will begin on that section first.

Is there a possibility that GFC could continue on to other parcels? Ted didn't rule that out, but did say that any future role they may play is unknown and that KSS is not in discussions with them regarding other portions of the site at this time.

Currently, the foundation is being broken up, will be crushed on location and will not be shipped off (the foundation is being recycled for future use on the development). This crushing, which will be louder than the recent destruction of the structure and foundation, will take place closer to the middle of the site in an effort to cause as little disturbance to abutters as possible.

For documents, pictures, and links surrounding the Max Pak site, please visit the page dedicated to this development.


Todd H. said...

Since the crushed foundation remains will be stored on-site for the long term, what is KSS's plan for controlling fugitive dust?

This concerns me - these piles will be exposed to the elements, notably wind. Since we can get dry and windy periods in the fall, winter, and spring, fugitive dust will be a concern that could affect all sides of the site.

T. Salad said...

Being an abutter to this abomination, I'm going to sleep better at night knowing that KSS/GFC is concerned with disturbing me while they grind up 5.5 acres worth of concrete.