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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Agenda Items For Tomorrow's BOA Meeting Now Available

The Board of Alderman will hold its regularly scheduled meeting on Thursday October 28th, 2010 at 7pm in the Aldermanic Chambers of City Hall.

15. Order By Ald. Desmond, O’Donovan

That the City Solicitor advise this Board as to the legality of banning the sale of Four Loko within the City and draft legislation to do so, if deemed permissable.

17. Order By Ald. Desmond, O’Donovan

That the Director of Traffic and Parking replace or secure the traffic signs at 204 Cedar Street that face traffic exiting from Clyde Street as they pose a potential safety hazard to pedestrians.

18. Order By Ald. Desmond, O’Donovan, Connolly, Sullivan

That the Chief of Police order a directed patrol of Albion Park and Albion Street to observe and prevent any illegal drug activity, specifically the use and discarding of hypodermic needles and syringes.

19. Order By Ald. Desmond, O’Donovan, Connolly, Sullivan

That the Commissioner of Public Works check Albion Park and Albion street each morning for discarded hypodermic needles and syringes as they have recently been found in and around the park.

20. Order By Ald. Desmond, O’Donovan

That the Commissioner of Public Works replace the broken basketball hoop at Albion Park.

1 comment:

Ron Newman said...

I seriously doubt that the City of Somerville can ban a particular alcoholic beverage. Only the state can regulate this.