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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Traffic & Parking Take On Magoun Square Orders Submitted By Alderman O'Donovan

The next Traffic and Parking Committee meeting scheduled for October 13th, features numerous items surrounding parking in Magoun Square submitted at an earlier Board of Alderman meeting. All citizens affected by these agenda items are strongly encouraged to attend this meeting, or submit your concerns to Alderman O’Donovan. His contact information can be found on his page here on the website.

Meeting details:
Time: 6:30pm
Place: Second Floor Committee Room in City Hall

The exact agenda items (subject to change) are:

•189107: That This Board of Aldermen Hereby Requests that the Administration Forward the Parking Solutions Task Force Findings to the Ward 5 Alderman and Place All Data on the City’s Website Immediately Upon Completion.

•189108: That This Board of Aldermen Hereby Requests that the Administration Relax All Newly Instituted Traffic and Parking Initiatives in Magoun Square until the Green Line Arrives in 2015 as the Initiatives Are Devastating Magoun Square’s Business Strength.

•189109: That the Director of Traffic and Parking and the City Auditor Provide the Ward 5 Alderman with the Figures for All Monthly Ticket Revenues from Magoun Square, for the Last Two Years.

•189110: That the Director of Traffic and Parking Consider Implementing Measures to Alleviate the Negative Impact the New Traffic Regulations Have Had on the Businesses of Magoun Square.

•189111: That This Board of Aldermen Hereby Requests that the Administration and the Parking Solutions Task Force Remove from Its Mission the Combining of Davis and Magoun Squares in Its Considerations and Deliberations on Traffic and Parking Changes, as Magoun Square is Suffering Desperately from Their Belief that Magoun and Davis Square Share Any Similarities, Especially the Notion of 10:00 PM Parking Meters.

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