An ongoing safety issue regarding crossing from one side of Lowell Street to the other at Princeton Street was, once again, brought up at the recent ResiStat meeting prompting Alderman Sean O'Donovan to submit an order+ through the Board of Alderman which has now made its way into the Committee on Public Health and Public Safety.
The order:
13. Order By Ald. O’Donovan: That the Director of Traffic and Parking apear before the Committee on Public Health and Public Safety to discuss speeding on the south side of the Lowell Street Bridge.
On the north side of the bridge, a 25 mph speed limit sign is posted, however it seems to be doing little to slow down cars descending down the south side of the bridge near Princeton Street and the VNA. Residents, including one in a wheelchair, noted that cars "fly" over the bridge and that the only way the issue is going to get fixed is when "someone gets killed." The major safety issue surrounds the speed of cars going over the bridge. A separate order submitted to the BOA* is looking to tackle the speeding issue that this area experiences.
This is not the first time that residents have complained about this dangerous intersection. Numerous residents have contacted the Traffic and Parking Department via letter asking for this problem to be researched and resolved. Previous Traffic and Parking directors insisted that there is not enough room to place a crosswalk from the bottom of the bridge to the desired location of the Princeton Street or VNA area. Current director, Matt Diaz, has promised to look at the concern and inform the Ward 5 Alderman accordingly.
Along with stating the speed limit, there is an indicator that there is a street at the end of the bridge, however, no "Caution Blind Driveway/Street," text is included on the sign. The diagram gives note to Princeton Street, however, leaves out the closely situated VNA driveway. This driveway serves as a crossing point for wheelchair bound residents as there is no other accessible way to cross in close proximity to the VNA building. There is no indicator on the other side warning drivers of Vernon Street.
Going north, there is another speed limit sign stating 25mph. One can notice on both signs, that previous grafiti and stickers may pose an issue to drivers. There is no other sign warning drivers of Vernon Street or surrounding resident issue also brought up at the ResiStat meeting.
A meeting time has not been scheduled in which this issue will be discussed. The website will be updated with this information once it becomes available. Please note that Alderman-At-Large William White Jr. chairs the Committee on Public Health and Public Safety.
Corresponding links:
+Watch video of reading of order #190419 (#13).
*Watch video of the reading of order #190421 (#15).
1 comment:
This is something that has infuriated me for some time. The lack of foresight on the part of those who green-lighted the location of the VNA is simply stunning. I wonder if anyone looked at the situation there and thought, "there could be problems here". I doubt it.
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