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Thursday, December 30, 2010

Green Line Extension Team Launches New Website!

Those at MassDOT involved with the Green Line Extension have launched a new website for the project! Please note that this address has also been added to the Green Line page here on Ward 5 Online.

The announcement was made in their most recent email which thanked everyone for their involvement this past year.

They write...
Green Line Extension Friends –

As we close the final week of 2010, we wanted to take a moment to thank all of you for your interest in and support of the Green Line Extension project. Your dedication to the project, your participation in meetings and other public events, and your feedback on project documents – always thoughtful and always challenging the Project Team to make the Green Line Extension the best that it can be – buoys us in our daily work. It is your participation that is helping to make this project a success.

A few 2010 statistics of which are proud:
Number of attendees participating in all public events: 647
Number of individuals on the project mailing list: 4,759
Number of unique visits to the project website: 1,976 per month

To celebrate the New Year, we have just recently launched a redesign of the project website at We are very pleased that the website has become a public resource for information on the project, and we are committed to making it more attractive and easier to use. Once you’ve had a chance to explore the new website, please feel free to email me with any comments or ideas.

We'd also like to take the opportunity to thank the members of the Green Line Extension Design Working Group for their hard work over the past several months. To stay updated on their work, you can visit their electronic discussion group at All email discussions by members are archived and open to the public.

Best wishes for happy holidays and a peaceful new year!
The Green Line Extension Team

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