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Monday, January 17, 2011

Public Utilities and Public Works Committee To Discuss Plowing In Magoun Square CVS

The improper plowing of the Magoun Square CVS has been brought to the attention of the Public Utilities and Public Works Committee and will be discussed at the next meeting scheduled for January 20th. All interested citizens are encouraged to attend this meeting with concerns or suggestions.

The meeting details are:
Public Utilities and Public Works Committee
Second Floor Committee Room
1/20/2011 6:30 PM


Anonymous said...

is this also the appropriate meeting to voice concerns about Nashua St. & the fact that a fire truck in no way could fit down that street right now?

Anonymous said...

East Cambridge Savings Bank - corner of Cedar and Highland, the plow pushed all snow out of the parking lot, across Cedar Street, and onto the opposite Sidewalk.... nice neighbor!