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Monday, April 4, 2011

Corner of Vernon and Lowell To Receive Traffic Signage. What Will It Say?

Vernon and Lowell Streets
 A new pole has appeared on Lowell Street, directly across from Vernon. Although no signage has been installed on it, one can't help but wonder what it will say. So, today's question is: what would you like or think it should say?


Anonymous said...

I think it should say: "The possibility of you dying at this intersection is over 90%."

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

brought to you by KSS Realty!

Anonymous said...

Hope and pray it will give motorists a heads-up about reducing their speed coming south over the bridge with VNA Senior Citizens, some in wheel-chairs,and some with walkers, crutches, and canes, crossing Lowell Street.
Speeding motorists being blind-sided from seeing pedistrians till the last precious seconds, due to the arch of the bridge.

Anonymous said...

Slow down, jerk!

Anonymous said...

Lowell Street, from Magoun Square/Medford Street to Highland Avenue---is a speedway; both directions---north south/south north.
Problems compounded by box trucks and 18 wheelers making deliveries to business's located there; and vehicles parked too close to corners at the four(4) corners where Albion Street and Lowell Street intersect.

A driver wanting to make a turn---left or right, coming from Central Street.... out of Albion onto Lowell, puts himself and his/her vehicle, in harm's way when vehicles are parked too close to the corners.

Enhanced enforcment--ticketing/towing--is needed there, all days, all hours.

Todd H. said...

I saw this post just today and wondered "what is this post for?"

DPW needs to seriously consider traffic calming measwures here - people should not be going more than 25-30mph over the Lowell St. Bridge.

Posting a sign won't solve the problem. And that problem is people who drive upward of 55mph on Lowell St.

Anonymous said...

Todd H - maybe a flashing yellow for people on Lowell around the bridge and flashing yellow on Vernon? I will tell you one thing I do NOT want are those traffic "tables." They hinder the ability to drive, and I honestly think they are illegal. One is not allowed to impede a public roadway.

Anonymous said...

my idea: "slow down or we'll put a red blinking light here like we did at the intersection of lowell and medford."

KelseyRoth said...

One Point Five Way

Anonymous said...

Was told today, it's to be an additional street light.

Anonymous said...

Boo! Was really hoping it would say, "winning!"

Plus, the different color and size than the other ones looks stupid. Maybe it is brought to us by KSS?