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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The Latest In MaxWell's Green News...

Home Page of MaxWell's Green Upcoming Official Website

MaxWell's Green is moving along with some new press on their 24 affordable units that will be made available among the 184 (the other 15 are townhouses) total at 56-61 Clyde Street. This is in compliance with the City of Somerville's ordinance that requires 12.5% of affordable housing in large projects.

The team also launched a new website URL at, but has yet to fill the page with any new information on the development.

Princeton Street residents know all too well about the ongoing construction at MaxWell's Green as one snapped me some photos in June of some heavy machinery working on those gigantic rubble piles on site.


John Cole said...

Awesome free advertising for the project under the guise of "news" via the Somerville Journal, eh? Too bad there's not sound to go along with the slideshow. That would give a true feeling of what it's like to live near this boon to the community while it is under construction.

Anonymous said...

How about the new onslaught of rats coming out of the site into our neighborhoods!?!?

City officials had a meeting with neighbors at Albion Park on June 27 re the problem.
The park itself has been sighted with rats.