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Thursday, September 8, 2011

The Word Around The Ward...

The identity surrounding the creator and author of a blog dedicated to Ward 7 has many speculating, but also sparked a great conversation regarding the reliability of unnamed bloggers over at the Somerville Journal. I, of course, offered my two cents as did others. Read Andy's post and offer your thoughts either there or here.

Fundraising season is upon us for the contested races across the city. Candidates are scrambling to hold money makers as close to the preliminary and final elections as possible to plant the name recognition seed in the heads of voters and grab those last few undecideds. Good luck to all candidates, especially those in Ward 7 who will face off on September 13th to decide which two will go on to November.

Speaking of contested races, members of the Board of Alderman are certainly choosing sides with campaign stickers on the backs of their cars and through comments to candidates. Although important, lets face it, the real people to influence are the voters!

No Sort Recycling is headed city-wide in mid October after the Board of Alderman approved the 10 year contract at the August 25th meeting.

The follow-up to the May 25th Magoun Square meeting is set for September 14th and it will be gracing the same agenda as serious Green Line discussion, as well. Looks like all attendees will have two very important issues to talk about. Just remember, we may not have any control over when the Green Line comes to Lowell Street, but we do have control on the economic development in Magoun Square!

See someone? Hear something? Let me know.

1 comment:

John Cole said...

I believe that if you're going to run a blog with political content and, in doing so, you slant it toward any particular candidate (or against one) it is utterly gutless to hide behind anonymity. But nobody seems to care very much about such things these days. Kudos to Courtney for throwing her name out there.

Rumors to the contrary, Courtney did not bribe me to say this. :-)