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Thursday, October 20, 2011

The Word Around The Ward

Signs, signs, everywhere are signs! Well, Nionakis signs that is. It seems that he is marking his territory here behing Magoun Square with a bunch on Lowell and one on Richardson Street. I also spied one in Ball Square for Sean Fitzgerald. Have you seen some? Where?

Ward 5er and candidate for Alderman At Large Todd Easton is starting his own "local" movement by coining the phrase, "Vote Local." Although the website does not endorse candidates, I will definitely endorse this movement! Tip O'Neil once said, "All politics is local" and I hope Somerville begins to see it that way. PLEASE VOTE ON NOVEMBER 8! VOTE LOCAL!

I am hosting a Candidate Forum on October 25th at 7pm at First Church Somerville located at 89 College Avenue and am very excited to be doing this for the first time! The discussion will include topics such as immigration, affordability, and evironmental sustainability. What would happen if Occupy Boston turned into Occupy Somerville...would they agree and/or support? Huge thanks to Ian and Molly for asking me to do this and I look forward to seeing everyone there!

Be sure to check your water before doing your laundry as the Somerville Fire Department will be winterizing hydrants by flushing them. The water is safe to drink, gross to look at, and will stain your clothes, so double check before washing them.

I had an interesting conversation with some Ward 5ers about Somerville political candidates' tweets. It seems that some are a little too robotic and retweet happy rather than being individual and sincere. I'm not going to name names, but if you're reading this, be sure to throw out some actual independent thoughts with your handle in 140 character or less, of course.

Also on my agenda is a reading at the Arts at the Armory Ghost Story event in the cafe. Jennifer Lawrence is coordinating this event and how could I say no to one of my favorite Ward 5ers?! This is being held on October 27th with a 7:30pm start time. Do stop by if you're interested!

Welcome to the wonderful world of Zero-Sort Recycling, Somerville! Nice, isn't it!

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