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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Magoun Square Graces BOA Agenda Again...

Magoun Square conversations will begin, once again, as Alderman Sean O'Donovan is requesting that the Executive Director of the Office of Strategic Planning and Community Development update this Board on any and all initiatives to rectify the lack of economic growth in the Magoun Square area through legislative item number 192480 according to tomorrow's scheduled meeting agenda. 

For those of you playing at home, OSPCD presented a business report to genuinely interested business owners, city and elected officials, and resident/patrons of Magoun in May of 2011. The report was presented again at the spring ResiStat meeting. 

Magoun's economic struggle has been a topic of conversation, most recently, during the January 12th BOA meeting when a fortune teller was approved to occupy 511 Medford Street by the Committee on Licensing and Permits. Alderman O'Donovan pointed out that the real issue is the dire situation in the square and not whether a fortune teller should be allowed to do business there after Alderman at Large Jack Connolly verbally opposed the approval of the license. Ward 7 Alderman Bob Trane would go on to submit legislative item numbers 192468 (That the City Clerk and the City Solicitor draft appropriate language to create a local ordinance concerning the issuance of Fortune Teller licenses) and 192469 (That the Executive Director of Strategic Planning and Community Development (Planning) review the Zoning Ordinance and its Table of Uses and advise this Board with respect to the business of fortune telling in the City) respectively after offering support to Alderman O'Donovan's efforts in Magoun. 

Magoun's bad luck streak continued this past Sunday when the square lost power and, upon its return, NSTAR informed businesses the power would be shut off by 7pm that night for maintenance. To make matters worse, the power was not shut off at the specified time, but was shut off early the next morning with no merchants being made aware. 

Once submitted, the item will be referred to a committee where it will be discussed with all appropriate parties being invited. Meeting time and other information will be published once it is made available.

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