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Thursday, March 8, 2012

Progress Together for Somerville Works with the Somerville Public Schools and Other Partners to Hold Community Forum on Education

Continuing a commitment to the Somerville Public SchoolsProgress Together for Somerville (PTS), the Somerville School Committee, and the Somerville Family Learning Collaborative have organized a Community Forum on Education, to be held on Saturday, March 18thfrom 2 to 4 pm. at the Argenziano School at Lincoln Park. This event, also sponsored by the Mayor's Office, Somerville Council of PTAs, and the Somerville Teachers Association, will examine a number of issues in education in the city today. These topics include how teaching and learning are influenced by data; innovation schools and their role in a public school system; and how English Language Learning (ELL) students learn English at the same time as other topics. The event is designed to be participatory, with active discussion as well as lectures.

"This Community Forum is part of the ongoing efforts of Progress Together for Somerville to engage and energize the city around educational issues – and to make sure the Somerville Public Schools provide a high quality education to all Somerville students," said PTS member Meghan Bouchard. "We believe that a quality public school system requires an active partnership between parents, students and the school administration." The doors open at 1:30 with food generously donated by Redbones. Child care is available, but you must register first by calling 617-625-6600 ext. 6966A second forum is also scheduled in May.

Progress Together for Somerville is an independent, grass-roots organization of parents across the city who arefocused on improving education for all children in Somerville.

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