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Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Board of Aldermen to Meet on Thursday

Board of Aldermen courtesy of FY2013 Budget packet

The Board of Aldermen will hold their regularly scheduled meeting* in the Aldermanic Chambers of City Hall on Thursday at 7pm. This meeting is open to the public and all residents/concerned citizens are encouraged to attend.

You can watch the meeting live on Channel 22 (Comcast) or Channel 13 (RCN). This meeting will be rebroadcast at various times throughout the week, as well as, streamed live on the internet. A video of the meeting is saved on the City's Meeting Portal under the Recent Media header.

*Agenda is posted 48 hours before meeting (by Tuesday at 7pm).

Here are the submissions from Ward 5 Alderman Sean O'Donovan:
Citation By Ald. O’Donovan, and the Entire Board and the Mayor Commending Stella Briere Murphy, on the auspicious occasion of her 104th birthday.

10. Order By Ald. O’Donovan
That the Commissioner of Public Works install a raised crosswalk at Albion Park.

11. Order By Ald. O’Donovan
That the Chief of Police set a speed trap on Albion Street 4-5 PM, Monday through Friday.

12. Order By Ald. O’Donovan
That the Chief of Police order a directed foot patrol and the presence of the Ward Five officer in Magoun Square between 8:00 - 11:00 PM.

13. Order By Ald. Connolly, O’Donovan, Heuston, Taylor, Roche, Sullivan, Lafuente, Desmond
That the Director of SPCD (ISD) and the City Solicitor appear at the next meeting of this Board's Committee on Public Health and Safety to explain why the enacted unregistered vehicle ordinance is not being enforced.

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