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Saturday, July 7, 2012

Hydrant Flushing Schedule

From the City of Somerville...

Beginning on July 9th, the City’s Water and Sewer Engineers will be conducting their annual hydrant flushing program. Work will be done on Monday nights from 11:00 P.M. until 7:00 A.M. on Tuesday mornings. 

Over the next 3 weeks as this work is completed, residents may notice a temporary period of water discoloration. Although the water may be discolored, it is safe to drink. Until the water runs clear, however, you may wish to avoid washing clothes, especially white fabrics. If any rust stains appear on wet laundry, the clothes should not be dried, and you should contact 311 for a free bottle of rust remover.

Willow Avenue
Kidder Avenue
Foskett Street
Appleton Street
Morrison Avenue
Lexington Avenue
Whipple Street
Henry Street
Highland Avenue (Cedar to Willow)
Lesley Avenue
Hancock Street
Spencer Avenue
Cherry Street
Aberdeen Road
Josephine Avenue
Rogers Avenue
Highland Road
Pearson Avenue
Prichard Avenue
Boston Avenue
Cedar Street (Broadway to Highland Avenue)
Broadway (Willow to Cedar)
Hall Street
Alpine Street
Albion Street

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