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Monday, July 30, 2012

Somerville Candidates for Register of Deeds Hold Events This Week...

The Committee to Elect Maryann Heuston sent over an invitation to a fundraiser at on Tuesday (7/31) night starting at 4:30pm with a sign-holding and ending with a meet and greet from 5:30pm to 7:30pm at the restaurant (75 Union Square). 

The Committee to elect Maria Curtatone will be hosting two sign holdings this week. Tuesday (7/31) at Fresh Pond Circle in Cambridge and at Four Corners in Woburn. Both begin are from 5-7pm.


Anonymous said...

That office, at least on paper, is a full time it was for Gene Brune.

Unless I missed it,neither Miss Heuston, an employee of CHA; nor Miss Curtatone,a lawyer with her own private practice; has indicated whether they will "give up" their current means of earning a living, or not!

Until then, I will vote for neither one.

Too many of these dual job-holders are serving more than one master; earning both a full-time salary and pensions for "part-time" work in some cases.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know what that position pays salary-wise?

Anonymous said...

The first assistant was bagged using the fax machine last year and his salary was $80,000

Maybe $90,000-$100,000 for the register?

I thought Heuston said she would quit the health job and Curtatone said she would leave her practice for the job.

Anonymous said...

There have been a few other elected state pols over the years who said the same thing---Yeah right! Ever hear of the term "silent partners."

Does one really think Miss Curtatone is going to "give up" her long time clients? With both her and her brother, the mayor, lawyers!!! Plus whatever associates they currently have on their payroll remaining behind!

Miss Heuston, working for someone else, might be easier to check-out!

Anonymous said...

Plus, nothing like have "back-up" $$$$ income insurance keeping in mind the Registra of Deeds is an ELECTED position...not a "homesteader" come as you may job. One term, and poof!!