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Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Late O'Donovan Items from January 10th BOA Meeting

Ward 5 Alderman Sean O’Donovan submitted some late items that were brought up at the January 10th meeting of the full Board. The following were included in the minutes as supplemental items...

60. #194244 Order By Ald. O’Donovan
That this Board’s Committee on Public Health and Safety investigate the foreclosed, abandoned and decaying property at 42 Henderson Street to begin the receivership process and have it cleaned.

61. #194245 Order By Ald. O’Donovan
That the Clerk of Committees notify NStar to appear before this Board’s Committee on Public Utilities and Works to explain their unresponsiveness to previous requests to repair or mitigate problems with their utility poles at 44 Vernon Street.

62. #194246 Order By Ald. O’Donovan
That the Chief of Police order directed patrols, at various morning and evening hours, to enforce the restriction against blocking the intersection at Hinckley Street and Broadway.

69. #194253 Order By Ald. O’Donovan
That the Chief of Police order directed patrols on Woodbine Street at Lowell Street, to prevent trucks from stopping and/or parking, and that the Chief of Police appear at the next meeting of this Board’s Committee on Public Health and Safety to discuss this matter.

Numbers 60 and 69 will be discussed by the Committee on Public Health and Safety, chaired by Alderman at Large Jack Connolly, while number 61 will be brought up by the Committee of Public Utilities and Works which is chaired by O'Donovan.

As of publishing time, the Committee on Public Health and Public Safety have a 7pm meeting set for January 22nd. The Committee of Public Utilities and Works has a meeting set for January 29th at 6:30pm.


Anonymous said...

About #69.

The odd-numbered, east side, of Lowell Street from Albion north to Woodbine Street, due to parked trucks,and illegally parked autos too close to the intersecting streets, has been, and is, accidents waiting to happen due to visual obstruction.

No way can a driver see an oncoming vehicle problem until he/she is out there in harm's way.

Many times, due to business delivery trucks and church goers parked cars on Albion and Lowell, no way can a fire engine make turns on to side streets... Albion, Woodbine, and Alpine.

Sad part: police cars pass on by ignoring such situations.

Anonymous said...

Don't see how the police can stop trucks from parking when most of the parked trucks, including 18-wheeler "monster" trucks, are delivering needed materials to legally opersting businesses----Boston Closest being one, and the glass company another.

Most of these trailer trucks are delivering not just one or two items but full loads, mostly pallet loads, to these businesses; meaning they have to be parked for extended periods of time eliminating one vehicle travel lane.
These same trucks, once parked, create a visual obstruction for drivers coming out of Albion, Woodbine, and Alpine Streets, on to Lowell Street.

Add to that congestion, DPW and utility trucks (when needed) doing their thing in the same area.

Add to that the comings, goings, and parked autos being serviced by the vehicle repair shops--at least three of them---and the comings, goings, and parked cars belonging to the two 3rd world church goers on both corners of Albion and lowell Streets; plus illegally parked cars at the intersections; to say nothing about vehicles parked on the even side of Lowell Street where no parking allowed is posted.

One church, at the southwest corner @ 99 lowell street, puts up barriers at the corner, reserving that PUBLIC space for their pastor's vehicle.

More "fun" when plowable snowfall adds to the problem.

The solution is to shut down the businesses and/or churches located there; not readily done!

Anonymous said...


"Northwest corner @ 99 Albion Street"

Not... "southwest corner @ 99 Lowell Street."

...and at times, pastor's car blocking all or part of the painted pedistrian crosswalk; keeping in mind parents/guardians with baby carriages, and children alone, use this
crosswalk to get to the nearby Albion Playground.

Anonymous said...

I'm understanding the problem on Woodbine Street itself, are delivery trucks parked ON Woodbine as opposed to parked on Lowell Street, when making deliveries to the Glass company delivery door facing Woodbine. These truck drivers have no choice but to block other threw-traffic vehicles because there is only one traffic lane servicing vehicles going or coming in opposite directions and the delivery truck drivers have no choice but to block that one travel lane to effect a delivery.

That one travel lane, because of cars and/or trucks parked forever at a right angle against the wall, the result being only the one travel lane blocked by a delivery truck, barely room allowing a bicycle to get by, never mind another motor vehicle.

Anonymous said...

By the way---those vehicles parked on Woodbine Street, at right angle to the wall, are parked legally.
No parking meters, and no restrictions/limitations as to time parked.
In fact I believe the space parked on is considered to be private property owned by Boston Closet person who owns that building.

Anonymous said...

It's a fact:
Approximately one car-length, south to north, from the north wall
of the building housing a vehicle repair shop and Boston Closet Company, is privately owned by the owner of Boston Closet.

With that, and vehicles legally parked there, only one travel lane exists at that point on Woodbine serving moving traffic in both directions.

Unless a delivery truck driver parks really "up close and tight" to the glass company wall, two-way thru traffic is at a standstill until that truck driver is finished delivering his goods, and moves out.
That goes for emergency vehicles, held up, too.