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Monday, February 18, 2013

Armory Seeks Manager Change

The Armory has formally submitted a request to change the manager from Deb Mclaughlin to Dennis Kallis according to the Licensing Commission agenda posted for the February 20th gathering at the TAB building.

Agenda item #4 is understandable as Deb left the Armory a while ago and present Armory management has been shifting responsibilities. Deb gained notoriety after hosting and coordinating some of the most successful events in the space including the Winter Farmer's Market, The Somerville Local First Harvest Fest and the iBall.

Mclaughlin was also on the frontline that endured a fair share of controversies while managing the Armory that included an entrance that was not ADA compliant, as well as, numerous noise complaints from neighbors. At the end of the day, however, it is the responsibility of Armory owners to rectify issues and complaints.

Although the entrance and sidewalk were eventually fixed, the complaints have continued. Neighbors even spoke against recent zoning change requests from the new Armory management that included the ability to apply for a full liquor license and hour modifications.

The zoning changes would go on to be approved with Armory manangement insisting that they were needed to keep the space financially stable.

The Licensing Commission meeting is set for 6pm and is held at 167 Holland Street in the TAB Building between Davis and Teele Square.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There haven't really been any legitimate noise complaints. One single resident routinely calls the police, but the police come, check it out, and no violation. He is simply angry because he lost his personal free parking lot.