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Monday, February 25, 2013

Committe on Housing and Community Development to Meet

Ward 4 Alderman and Chair of the Committe on Housing and Community Development is convening his first meeting of 2013 on February 26th at 6pm.

Amoung the lengthy agenda is an item pertaining to Magoun Square that includes the recent studies conducted by the MIT’s Department of Urban Studies and Planning that were presented in two separate meetings last October and December.

Legislative item #189727 has been floating around since mid-2010 and has resulted in a few Magoun Square hosted meetings that included representatives from OSPCD, ISD and Traffic and Parking. The item asks, "That the Executive Director of the Office of Strategic Planning and Community Development provide a written report to the Committee on Housing and Community Development after the meeting of OSPCD, the Magoun Square business owners and the Ward Five Alderman, (which will be held to work on specific concerns relating to parking and other issues affecting the decline in business in Magoun Square), detailing the progress and proposed planning for improving the business climate in Magoun Square" and was submitted by former Ward 4 Alderman Walter Pero.

Magoun Square has been in the news recently as I, along with other residents, have asked that the sign be re-installed, highlighting the business district.

The agenda also features issues concerning Somerville Avenue, the West Branch Library, and Assembly Square.

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