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Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Meetings Set for Tonight

The Veteran and Public Services, as well as, Public Utilities and Public Works will be meeting tonight at 6:00pm and 6:30pm respectively. VAPS will be discussing:

· 194356: Discuss in Committee That this Board requests that the Dedication Committee consider naming a street corner on Walnut Street in memory of the late Ted Buttner, USN retired and World War II veteran.
· 194667: Discuss in Committee That the City place an "empty chair" in City Hall as a reminder to never forget our nation's POW/MIA military personnel.
· 194960: Discuss in Committee That the Director of Veterans Services replace the faded pictures at Henry Hanson Park.
· 195062: Discuss in Committee That the Administration update this Board on the status of #194667, regarding the placement of an empty chair in City Hall to remind the public of the sacrifices made by our service men and women and their families, and that the Administration schedule an unveiling ceremony to commemorate its inclusion in City Hall.

Youth Services will also be meeting at 6:00pm and will be discussing:
· 194465: Discuss in Committee That the Superintendent of Recreation communicate with the Committee on Youth Services regarding the scheduling of fields and the reasoning for establishing the American Youth Football League.
· 194832: Discuss in Committee That the Recreation Commission consider establishing an advisory committee of representatives of all City youth sport organizations to provide feedback and coordination on the condition of fields and scheduling.
· 194839: Discuss in Committee The Commissioner of Public Works maintain and improve the Argenziano and Nunziato playing fields, and communicate with the Somerville Youth Soccer League and the Recreation and Youth Commission regarding safety standards.
· 194920: Discuss in Committee DPW Commissioner responding to various Board Orders.

Public Utilities and Public Works will be discussing a lengthier agenda which has been posted on the City's meeting portal for public review. Most of the items reference the Inspectional Services Department and were kept in committee until budget deliberations where new ISD Director Goran Smiljic presented his plans for improving the department and making it more efficient. There are 20 items total on the agenda for this meeting.

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