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Thursday, February 13, 2014

The Word Around the Ward

The tradition of the Director of Traffic and Parking being a Ward 5 resident continues as Acting Director, Suzanne Rinfret, was formally promoted this week to the top spot by Mayor Curtatone. Suzanne has been a driving force behind some of the most resident-approved changes at Traffic and Parking including the televisions in the lobby, extra window and illuminated pedestrian signs that are lighting up Somerville streets.

Construction continues at the Salvation Army on Broadway that will include an HVAC upgrade, new lighting, outside facade improvement and repaving and restriping of the parking lot.

The City of Somerville is hosting three community budgeting process meetings in February. The first is set for Thursday, Feb. 27. at the West Somerville Neighborhood School, 177 Powderhouse Blvd., and has a 6:30 p.m. start time. Two additional meetings are scheduled for Monday, Feb. 24 (snow date Thursday, March 6), 6:30 p.m., at the Capuano Early Childhood Center, 150 Glen Street and Saturday, March 1 (snow date Saturday, March 8), 11 a.m., City Hall, 93 Highland Ave. All the meetings will discuss the same information, but are scheduled at various times to give residents attendance options.

Representative Denise Provost offered an explanation as to why she voted against the expulsion of colleague, Carlos Henriquez, on Thursday. Henriquez was convicted on two assault and battery charges following an incident with his girlfriend. She wrote on her Facebook page, "The main protection that we enjoy as a society is the rule of law. I fully accept Rep. Henriquez’s conviction by a jury, in a court of law. What I cannot accept is his expulsion from the House of Representatives based on a violation of Rule 16A...Rule 16 generally prohibits members from engaging in financial transactions that would influence their vote...My vote in this matter is a vote for the rule of law, in this case, and always." (See Rep. Provost's full explanation). Representative Carl Sciortino also voted against the expulsion and offered an explanation, as well, on his page. In response to the vote, blogger, Brian McCarthy took to his Somerville Patch space to voice his frustration (He should note the correct spelling of the Rep's names, however). What are your thoughts on this? Feel free to comment below.

Did you know that Ward 5 Online is also on Facebook and Twitter (@Ward5Online)? Both are fed directly by the website, so you don't miss any headlines no matter what social media site you waste your time on.

Curbed Boston has also picked up on the changes in Magoun Square, posting a synopsis the same day the Boston Herald ran their Magoun piece in the Home Smart section. I have to disagree with their stance on bicycles, but love the line, "Magoun is becoming the Somerville to Davis' Cambridge." Read the whole article and let me know what you think by leaving a comment below.


Jeff said... Davis the new Cambridge or is Christos Square the new Cambridge? Sorry Court I had to throw that in.

Anonymous said...

I understand the reasoning behind Denise and Carl's votes--I read them both. It just doesn't look good. You had a vote to expel someone who beat a woman and you said "no" It just doesn't sound or look good in the press.

Unknown said...

Suzanne is awesome! I wish her the best in her new role!!