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Saturday, April 12, 2014

Come & Get Yer Rain Barrels!

Did you order a rain barrel as part of the City's collaboration with the Great American Barrel Company? You had until April 5th to order them and I wrote about it on March 27th. Ring a bell?

If you have just realized you did order one, get yourself down to 1 Franey Road (DPW Yard) and pick up your barrel! You have from 9am until 1pm to pick them up. 

If you are a Ward 5 resident, snap a photo and send it over to me for posting on the website! 

If you already own a barrel, be sure to let me know how you like it.


Anonymous said...

Got it. Wish I had time to install it this weekend.


Ward Five said...

Snap some photos when you do get around to installing it!