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Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Free Flu Shots Begin This Week...

The City is providing free flu shots for the next few weeks! The schedule is as follows...

Free Flu Vaccine Schedules
Please Note: Public Health Nurses have duties that can prevent them from being in the office, and as a result, flu vaccines cannot be provided on a walk in basis at the Annex.

Flu shots are provided to all at no cost, but we ask that you please bring your health insurance card.

Children 5 years or older must be accompanied by their parent or guardian to receive a flu shot.

Flu Vaccine Schedule

10-16-2014: COA Health Fair at the TAB - 9:30-11:00am

10-16-2014: City Hall Sub Comm Room - 2:30pm-5pm

11-04-2014: Vote and Vax event at the ESCS - 7am-10am & 4pm-7pm

*PLEASE NOTE the ESCS does not have to be your polling place for you to receive flu vaccine at this session

11-06-2014: City Hall Annex - 5pm-7pm

11-13-2014: City Hall Annex - 5pm-7pm

12-04-2014: City Hall Annex - 5pm-7pm

This schedule assumes that vaccine supplies will last through the 4th of December. An update will be provided to all of the parties included in this email should vaccine be completely used up prior to any of the already established clinic dates. Additionally if there is any remaining supply after the 4th, other clinics will be scheduled until the supply is exhausted.

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