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Sunday, July 25, 2010

Artisan's Asylum Class Interest Survey

So, now that you have attended ArtBeat, do you now have a desire to learn about the forms of art you saw in Davis Square? Well, Frances asked me to post this survey for the Artisan's Asylum. Take a minute to offer your opinion!

From Frances...

There's a new open-access community workshop in Somerville called the Artisan's Asylum that is trying to make available all sorts of tools (think wood working equipment, welding tools, circuits, sewing machines) so that people can create the things they've always wanted to.

We're trying to measure interest in different kinds of classes that might be offered in August/September and find out what kinds of things people would like to learn about. We're trying to get as many people as possible to fill out our class interest survey.

Take the survey here!

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