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Monday, January 3, 2011

Green Line Extension Station Walks at Lowell St. and Gilman Sq. Scheduled for Saturday Jan. 8, 10 AM

The Community Corridor Planning Project (CCP) with participation of members of the Green Line Extension Community Design Working Group invites you to participate in a community walk for planning the design and access to the Lowell Street and Gilman Square Green Line Extension stations.

Your opinions and ideas about how to make the station work best are important. Walking around the actual site of the station with your neighbors and others that will use the station is a great way to help envision the possibilities and identify the challenges.

WHEN: Saturday, January 8, 2011 at 10 AM at Lowell Street and 11:15 AM at Gilman Square. If it is raining or snowing, the station walk will be held on Saturday, January 15th at the same times and locations.

WHERE: We will meet at the entrance to the VNA Assisted Living Center Parking lot (259 Lowell St., across the street from the proposed station location) at 10 AM and will walk around the Lowell St. station area where you can make suggestions about pedestrian, bicycle and bus access to the station, safety, lighting, station design, comfort, signs and area maps.

At 11:15 AM we will meet next to the Homans Building on Medford Street and walk around the Gilman Station area.

Bring your camera so you can take photos and email them with your suggestions to Ellin Reisner -- reisnere51  at

Preliminary station diagrams for the station location will be available at the walk.

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