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Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Petition Started In Response To Green Line Delay News!

Somerville, collectively, has put too much time & effort into the Green Line Extension for it to just be postponed with no explanation. The City of Somerville has started an online petition demanding a definitive date for the Green Line Extension. Be sure to show your support!

The City writes, "A four-year delay of the Green Line Extension bereft of any tangible commitments from the Commonwealth is simply unacceptable. Somerville deserves a transparent, accurate timeline for the Green Line Extension, with clear deliverables. Fundamental matters of social justice, economic justice and environmental justice are at stake in this project. Governor Patrick promised to extend rail transit to the most densely populated community in New England and he needs to break ground while he is still Governor. The State must do better than declare it is going to miss the legally mandated 2014 deadline for the extension with vague promises that it is still “behind” the project. We demand that a definitive plan for the Green Line Extension be adopted."

As signature #125, I cannot insist enough that the plans be put into place to bring the Green Line to Somerville. All Somerville residents have the opportunity to be within walking distance of a Green Line station-NO MATTER WHERE WE LIVE! Please take a moment to sign the above petition to send a message that Somerville is ready for the Green Line!

1 comment:

John Cole said...

The petition is nothing more than an avenue for irate citizens to vent their frustrations. It should be abundantly clear by now that the state simply is not going to do this project. It does not matter at all how much effort Somerville has put into the GLX. Legal mandate or not without the will of the Commonwealth, and clearly there is none, it will not happen.